Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Ideas Now Forming!

Christmas is a wonderful time of year....not just because I love the way my house looks all lit up with the Christmas tree and garland but also becuase it brings out the creativity in EVERYONE! I love being able to see all the crafty ideas people come up with and it always reinspires me to start new projects! I'm very excited to get finished with a couple of my current product to share with you guys....it is for the grown up crowd and I just know you will LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Be sure to watch our site and store in 2011 for more of our awesome upcycled products! It just keeps getting better!

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and enjoys the New Year festivites!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Host a Trunk Show

We are very excited to announce we are now booking trunk shows for the 2011 year! It's a year to get personal for us and meet with you and share our awesome product with people like us!!! We are super excited to be able to hang out for a day or night and show off all of our awesome product we've been creating!!! Email us at thegirls@la-di-das.com to book a date!! Don't forget we also offer Tutu Birthday Party packages and we have some Photo Shoots coming in 2011 as well! Keep an eye out!

Monday, December 20, 2010

We can Customize and Personalize!

Just a reminder that we can custom design and personlize ANYTHING! My sister is a HUGE fan of Kings of Leon so this Christmas we designed her a tshirt!! All of our items are handmade and can be complete personalized--from colors and jewels to sizes and shapes! We are slowly getting all of our product into our online store. Check it out HERE! If you see anything on our Facebook or Site that you would like or would like something similar email us at thegirls@la-di-das.com and let us know what you need!! Only a couple more shopping days left!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Bows are HALF OFF!!!!

Our Christmas bows are half off until Christmas or they sell out!!!! Get them at our online store while you can for this great price!!

And don't forget about all of our other great products....SweaterHeads, diVinyl bracelets, and headbands!!

On a side note I hope everyone had safe travels last night in KC...the roads were absolutley HORRIBLE and covered in ice! BRRRR!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dog Bows are in!!

As designers we are constantly envisioning and dreaming new things!  As dog owners we know that some of you out there love your dogs just as much (and sometimes more--they never talk back) as your kids!  So we set out to give you something to add a little funk and frill to your furry four legged friends' lives--DOG BOWS!!!!

We are still working on getting pictures on our online store--but enjoy this sneak peak of Nicki's adorable "Kravitz."  

Remember we can create ANYTHING you can dream up and everything on our site is completely customizable--from our awesome diVinyl Inspiration cuffs to our newest line of sweaterheads!!

Email us at thegirls@la-di-das.com with your special orders!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

La Di Das Welcomes SweaterHeads

Greetings and happy holiday season!

We do hope you are all enjoying family and friends this time of year. Here in the midwest, it's getting cold! It's fun for a few days, but the kids seem to love it for awhile longer. So, as we're getting our kids layered for the winter months, we thought they might as well still be stylish under all those layers, and voila, SweaterHeads was born.

Since we so love this upcycling business, we created SweaterHeads from sweaters no longer being worn. Some are wool, some are blends...it is whatever we can find that and dream up something fun and different with. And what has been so fun about this line, is that each hat can be created for the individual who is wearing it. They are definitley attention grabbers because we are a little obnoxious on the appliques that we add in. We hand stitch most of the accessories we add. Here's a couple to check out:

We shot a few with our kids this weekend, so we'll upload those soon! Please check us out at www.la-di-das.com.
Stay warm and have a great holiday season!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A dream come TRUE!

Just a little thank you to all of our friends and family that has listened to us for countless years talk about our dreams and aspirations. 2011 is sure to be a HUGE year for La-Di-Das and we are so ready for it!! We are finally starting to see our dream come to life--trunk shows, tutu parties, online shopping cart, and of course our web and blog to share with the world!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

diVinyl Inspirations for little wrists

All of our recent diVinyl Inspiration cuffs are now available on our online store!!! And don't forget about those little wrists that need love too!!

Monday, December 6, 2010


What is upcycling?!? It is the opposite of downcycling-which is the other half of the recycling process. Downcycling involves converting materials and products into new materials of lesser quality. La-Di-Das has fallen in love with upcycling--converting materials and products into new materials of GREATER quality!! We are making all kinds of awesome products from items that people were thinking of throwing away! Our newest creation is our diVinyl Inspirations--bracelets made from old vinyl records!! Check them out on our site HERE! And now you can personalize and purchase them HERE on our site as well!!!